Border and Customs clearence
Prior permission required:
Border clearance must be prior notification at least 48 hours at working day, regardless of whether it is a takeoff or landing.
Customs clearence must be prior notification before flight at least 2 days until 2 p.m at working day.
If custom clearance or border control is necassary, the pilot has to organize this by himself and is responsible. Please contact:
Border clearence by
Police Pirna
Rottwerndorfer Straße 22
01796 Pirna
Tel. +49 3501 795-7600
Fax +49 3501 782915
You have to fill out following form (sorry but German police is only able to supply this one in german lanuage)
Customs clearence
Tel.+49 391 50740
Document download:
(we only got the offical customs document in german language, sorry)
(The translation will come soon.)
The form has to be send via email of fax to both adress mentioned on the form.
Depature customs fee is free of charge in case nothing has to be declared.
Arrival customs fee is going to be charged be the airport represantive.